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use renoir::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Convenience method to parse deployment config from CLI arguments
    let (config, args) = RuntimeConfig::from_args();
    let env = StreamContext::new(config);

    let result = env
        // Open and read file line by line in parallel
        // Split into words
        .flat_map(|line| tokenize(&line))
        // Partition
        .group_by(|word| word.clone())
        // Count occurrences
        .fold(0, |count, _word| *count += 1)
        // Collect result
    env.execute_blocking(); // Start execution (blocking)
    if let Some(result) = result.get() {
        // Print word counts
        result.into_iter().for_each(|(word, count)| println!("{word}: {count}"));

fn tokenize(s: &str) -> Vec<String> {
    // Simple tokenisation strategy

// Execute on 6 local hosts `cargo run -- -l 6 input.txt`

Wordcount associative (faster)

use renoir::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Convenience method to parse deployment config from CLI arguments
    let (config, args) = RuntimeConfig::from_args();
    let env = StreamContext::new(config);

    let result = env
        // Adaptive batching(default) has predictable latency
        // Fixed size batching often leads to shorter execution times
        // If data is immediately available and latency is not critical
        .flat_map(move |line| tokenize(&line))
        .map(|word| (word, 1))
        // Associative operators split the operation in a local and a
        // global step for faster execution
        .group_by_reduce(|w| w.clone(), |(_w1, c1), (_w2, c2)| *c1 += c2)

    env.execute_blocking(); // Start execution (blocking)
    if let Some(result) = result.get() {
        // Print word counts
        result.into_iter().for_each(|(word, count)| println!("{word}: {count}"));

fn tokenize(s: &str) -> Vec<String> {

// Execute on multiple hosts `cargo run -- -r config.toml input.txt`

Remote deployment

# config.toml
address = "host1.lan"
base_port = 9500
num_cores = 16

address = "host2.lan"
base_port = 9500
num_cores = 24
ssh = { username = "renoir", key_file = "/home/renoir/.ssh/id_ed25519" }

Refer to the examples directory for an extended set of working examples