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Installing and creating a Renoir project

1 min

The first requirement for building a Renoir project is the Rust toolchain.

Installing Rust

  • Using Rustup (Recommended): follow the instructions at
    • Linux (Recommended): curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
    • Windows: Download and run the installer
  • Using your package manager: in alternative you can use the package provided by your repository

Add rust toolchain to PATH

  • bash: echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/.cargo/bin/' >> ~/.bashrc
  • fish: set -xU fish_user_paths $fish_user_paths ~/.cargo/bin/

Create a new cargo project

cargo new --bin renoir-test
cd renoir-test
 # Add the renoir dependency to the `Cargo.toml`
 # Currently we recommend using the GitHub repository directly
cargo add renoir --git

You can now open the project in your editor of choice and start writing your application using Renoir!

Bonus Tip: Development Environment