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Tips: Suggested Development Environment

2 mins Draft

If you are already set-up with a development environment you are comfortable with we recommend staying with what you find to be the most productive. Otherwise if this is your first experience programming with Rust or looking for ideas to enhance your productivity, this page will show you how you can set up an effective development environment for Rust and Renoir.

Setting up an environment using VS Code

First, I would recommend working in a UNIX system if possible1, if you are on Windows you may try using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) for a better experience.

As for IDE, I use VS Code for working with Rust (Note: there is also a WSL extension if you are on windows and want to work in WSL)

The rust-analyzer extension will get you most of the way with what you could need to work with Rust, there is also an official guide on how to setup vs code for Rust.

Other than that I also recommend the Error Lens extension which integrates well with rust-analyzer to show compiler errors and hints directly inline (Enable the hint diagnostic level in the settings CTRL+, for more details) The Even Better TOML and Crates extension2 for working with the Cargo.toml

Finally for CLI tools, remember to check cargo clippy --all --all-targets for good coding practices (you can use the --fix flag to automatically apply the corrections too) cargo fmt --all to format the code and I also use cargo-edit for the cargo upgrade command, which together with cargo add can be used to manage the Cargo.toml from the terminal

When evaluating performance run with --release flag

If you feel like the rust-analyzer extension is overloading with information by showing all type hints, you can disable some of them, in my config I have

  • Imports>Granularity>Group: module
  • Inlay Hints>Chaining Hints>Enable: false
  • Inlay Hints>Type Hints>Enable: false

More suggested extensions

  1. I am currently using Fedora KDE and used Kubuntu in the past ↩︎

  2. This extension is currently unmaintained and we are looking for alternative recommendations. ↩︎